The high footbridge over a drain gives you a good view of Lough Loung, and you may see a variety of waterfowl from this viewpoint. Then you enter a series of boreens and lanes which bring you to Glinsk Island. No island, though it must have been nearly surrounded by bog, The Way follows an old track through the wood, and with trees arching above it is, for me personally, one of the most beautiful sections of the Way.

The lane leads to the road at Glinsk village. On the right is Gllinsk Castle, built by the Burke family. ( The Burkes were originally “De Burgo”, one of the leading Norman families in the invasion of Ireland). There was an older castle here, and O’Sullivan Beara had a rough reception from the Burkes as he passed this way. If you have time to spare, a short walk round the Glinsk Heritage Park is worth while. (Joss Lynam)

Enthusiasts may take six days to complete the route The less energetic may decide to complete smaller stages, stopping en route to re-energise in any or all of the villages along the way.

Accommodation is available close to all points of the Way and transport can be arranged between accommodation providers. There are train services in Roscommon and Castlerea, with bus links to Belfast, Dublin and Galway. Knock International Airport is close to us.

Contact us for detail map/booklet or any other information relating to the Walk Way. We look forward to hearing from you.